My net pay is less or more than expected? Changes in your tax withholding status can cause your net pay to be different. The higher the number of exemptions elected, causes taxes to be lower resulting in a greater amount of net pay. Adding, dropping or changing your benefit elections also changes your net take home pay. Many benefits also offer pre-tax advantages which further reduces your federal/state withholding. Hours paid – carefully check your pay advice and time sheet to be certain you were paid for hours reported/worked. Contact your Supervisor or Delegate immediately if there is a discrepancy. Taxable Fringe – a fringe benefit is defined by the IRS as “a form of pay for the performance of services. For example, an employee is provided with a fringe benefit when allowed to use a business vehicle to commute to and from work.” In this example, personal use of a state owned vehicle would be considered a fringe benefit and would be added to your taxable gross income.