Viewing and accessing information about tickets
The Freshservice Ticket View page lets you access a whole lot of information and work on any single ticket in your service desk. It provides a collection of facts that you need before you get started, without searching for relevant details or having to go through multiple pages.
Here’s a quick glance at what the Ticket View page offers by default:
Details about the original ticket.
Replies that have been sent in response to the ticket.
Public or private notes that are a part of the conversation.
Status, Priority and Due Date.
Ticket Properties.
Tasks that have been connected to the ticket.
Assets associated with the ticket.
Activity Log.

The first thing you notice when you open up the ticket is the original message that had been sent by the requester. The header will tell you the subject, when it was received, what category it has been filed under and a link to the requester’s profile page. You will then have the description which gives you a detailed description of what the ticket is all about.
Below the original message, you should see any replies that have been added to the ticket in chronological order. Every reply will tell you if anybody else has been included in the conversation with a CC or a BCC. If you have added any notes to the ticket, they will also show up in your conversation thread.
On the right hand side, you can find general helpdesk information about the ticket such as its status (Open, Pending, Resolved), its priority and its due date. In addition, you will also be able any progress on a linked problem or change. Below, you should be able to see a list of all the ticket properties.